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PRICES AND PROMOTIONS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE BENEFITS OF SHOPPING AVON ONLINE BUYING AVON ONLINE Avon has been in business for over 130 years & is best known for it’s door to door service. However, in the early 2000’s, Avon created an  online store  in order to accommodate their customers. When you  shop online , you are able to receive the same great products & prices as you would from your local Avon representative along with other benefits that will make your shopping experience even more enjoyable.  BENEFITS OF  SHOPPING AT MY E-STORE  1. YOU CAN SHOP ANYTIME, ANYWHERE IN THE U.S. Whether you are in my local area or across country, you are able to still  shop with me 24/7 through  my e-Store . Just go to shirliejones & start shopping! CLICK HERE TO SHOP CURRENT AVON BROCHURE 2. TAKE ADVANTAGE OF FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS $60+. Have your order delivered right t...


MARK. BY AVON MARK. BY AVON In 2003,  Avon developed mark . in order to acknowledge & encourage the individuality of many of the young women in our society. The basis of the brand is “social beauty- the idea that women love to be social and want to be beautiful.” ( Avon Company, 2016 ) This product line is more of an edgier, trendier style that many teens & young women love. Like Avon,  mark  sells a variety of products that provide women an opportunity to feel beautiful, empowered & confident. In Campaign 10’2017, mark. changed it’s name to  mark. by Avon  & updated its look. With the new look & new makeup products,  mark. by Avon  encourages women to experiment with their looks & “Be Beauty Brave”. CLICK HERE FOR THE CURRENT MARK. BY AVON MAGALOG CONTINUE TO SCROLL DOWN FOR  MARK. BY AVON  NEW PRODUCTS, SALES & MORE.  MARK. GIRLS In 2013,  Lucy Hale  from Pretty Litt...

About Me

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Shirlie Jones
MACOMB, MI, United States