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Showing posts with the label bakuchiol


 Cellulite is the formation of lumps and-- dimples in the skin.  It can be found in both men and women, but it is more common in women.  Around 80-90 percent will experience cellulite at some point in their life.   Grade 1 Orange-peel appearance and slightly draped or sagging skin Grade 2 medium depth depression, a cottage cheese appearance, and moderately sagging skin Grade 3  Very deep depression, a mattress appearance, and severely sagging skin.  Hormonal Factor and age Hormones likely play an important role in cellulite development.   noradrenaline, thyroid hormones, and prolactin are part of the cellulite production process. One theory is estrogen decreases in women during menopause, blood flow to the skin decreases. This low circulation means less oxygen and low collagen production.  Fat cells enlarge as well.  The above factors make fat deposits more visible.  The fat under the weakened connective tissue causes the dimpl...

5 Ways to Boost Collagen

  1. ADD BAKUCHIOL TO YOUR ROUTINE This is a natural alternative to retinol, and it will stimulate skin cell turnover.  This promotes collagen production.  The best part of all is that of using bakuchiol is that you are less likely to experience irritation.  This product is the better choice for those with sensitive skin.  2.PROTECT COLLAGEN WITH TOPICAL VITAMIN  C Your morning routine should include Vit C.  This anti-oxidant protects the collagen in your skin against UV damage.  Vit C also stimulates the production of collagen and stabilizes the proteins in skin. 3. Pack In Peptides Peptides are the building blocks of proteins.  Peptides improve skin firmness, by promoting collagen and elastin in the skin.   4. LIMIT YOU SUGAR INTAKE A diet rich in sugar promotes AGEs.  AGEs break down collagen.  Take note of the ingredient list and monitor how much added sugar you allow in your diet.  5. Don't smoke Smoking age...

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Shirlie Jones
MACOMB, MI, United States