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Winter Skincare

“The combination of windy, cold, dry weather outside and humidity-depleting heaters indoors works to drain our skin of vital moisture during winter months,” explains Dr. Arash Akhavan, MD, FAAD, founder and owner of The Dermatology & Laser Group in NYC. “Our dewy, hydrated summer glow can quickly fade to a dull and ashy appearance,” he adds.

And if you don’t know already by now, lack of hydration can cause your skin to produce more wrinkles and dry out much faster. So how do you combat these conditions? Dermatologists offer their best solutions, ahead.

In the winter the skin fights a losing battle.  The combination of winy cold, dry weather, and the humidity-depleting heaters drain the skin of moisture.   This lack of hydration causes wrinkles.  How can you combat these attackers?  Here are some best practices.  


After working out feeling the sweat on your skin, the first thing to come to mind may be a long hot shower.  That can be a bad idea. During the winter months, you should keep showers short.  Keep in mind water does not moisturize your skin. It actually repels oil, long showers can cause your skin to shed its natural oils.   As soon as you jump out of the shower apply body oil to your damp skin.  This will leave the surface of the skin soft.  This is a great addition to your skincare routine.  


Just as you switch your moisturizer in the winter you should also switch facial cleanser.  You need a gentle cleanser.  Avoid high concentration of sulfates, and acids.  You need something that hydrates while it cleanses.  Something with Vitamin C to brighten the skin. 


If you have chilly temps. outside and unforgiving heat inside you need more than the proper night time routine.   According to some dermatologists a humidifier will do wonders for your winter skin.  Get a cool mist humidifier and aim it toward your face at night.  This will combat the loss of moisture from your skin, since your heater is running more as the temps. drop.  


One might think that exfoliating when your skin is dry and sensitive is a bad idea.  The reality is that when the skin is overly dry it is less efficient at exfoliating and dead skin builds up giving the skin a dull appearance.  To get rid of the dead skin cells is to deep clean


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Shirlie Jones
MACOMB, MI, United States