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Top 3 Ways Water Benefits the Body

   Top 3 Ways  

Water Benefits the Body

Boost Skin Health 
Water Fights Wrinkles 

Drinking adequate water helps plump up skin cells, which minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles so you look younger. Water also supports detoxification and helps flush toxins and impurities out of the body that dull your complexion. Stay well hydrated to support good circulation and blood flow, all of which will help your skin glow. If you don't like the taste of plain water, add a little lemon juice to make it more palatable. Vitamin C in citrus fruit is an antioxidant that fights skin-damaging free radicals and supports healthy collagen, a major component in skin. Along with drinking enough water, eat fruits and vegetables high in polyphenols and flavonoids to boost skin health. Sipping warm, vitamin C rich lemon water is believed to help you detoxify, which will help your skin glow.

Drinking Water to Lose Weight 

Water Helps You Slim Down Drinking water benefits the body in a variety of ways. Sipping cold water increases your metabolism and can help with weight loss. The body has to expend more energy to increase temperature after drinking cold H2O. This means you burn more calories. In one study, overweight young women were instructed to drink about 2 cups of cold water a half hour before breakfast, lunch, and dinner for eight weeks. By the end of the study, the women experienced weight loss, a lower body mass index, and improved body composition scores. Water also makes a great replacement for beverages that are high in sugar and calories like soft drinks and juice. Replace these beverages with water on the cool side to help your waistline.

Fight Stress with Water 

H2O Improves Your Mood Dehydration is known to contribute to stress.Stay ahead of stress and sip water throughout the day. Keep a bottle of water with you at all times and drink some every half hour or hour during the day. You'll be less likely to get dehydrated and feel stressed. Remember, don't wait until you feel thirsty to drink. Thirst occurs when you're already dehydrated.

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