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The A Box: Fall Beauty Trend Divine Wine Collection - Only $10 with a $40 Purchase! - 1($10 W/$40 PURCHASE)

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*Special set price reflected when added to bag with a $40 Campaign 18 purchase.
**After you spend $40 in the current campaign.


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Skincare:  How to treat the 4 types of wrinkles Known by many names crow's feet, laugh lines creases, WRINKLES   Unless you have found a way to cheat father time wrinkles are in your future.  Wrinkles are a defining characteristic of  the natural aging process.  Superdrug surveyed 2000 women.  The beauty retailer found that by age 29 women are worried about aging.  There top concerns are wrinkles and sagging skin. Did you know that not all wrinkles are the same? As a matter of course most believed that there were two types of wrinkles. Dynamic Wrinkles -   Those lines that develop from facial movements, such as smiling. Static Wrinkles - Lines that form due to loss of elasticity and collagen, which causes the skin to eventually sag.   In 2006 researchers at the university hospital of Liege, Belgium published a study in the International Journal of Cosmetic Science. In this study they  identi...

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Shirlie Jones
MACOMB, MI, United States