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Showing posts from August, 2018
What’s Inside? Discover why this is not your typical beauty box. ($10 W/$40 PURCHASE) CLICK HERE  TO PURCHASE No Subscription Necessary Buy one A Box now or a new A Box every 2 weeks with no commitment needed. The Beauty’s in the Value Every collection has a value that’s at least 4-5 times the price* of the A Box! You Know What’s Included We show you what’s included in every A Box – so you only buy the collections with products that you love! Purchase Your A-Box Today CLICK HERE *Special set price reflected when added to bag with a $40 Campaign 18 purchase. **After you spend $40 in the current campaign.

Top Skin Concerns of Women in 30s and 40s

What I have found to be true is that women feel good about their skin while still in their 30s.  Around the age of 40 self doubt begins to find it way in.  Most women feel they are at their best skin condition in their 20s.  Even though their is that concern at 40 by the time women hit the age 50 they embrace the notion of beauty at any age. Fine Lines are the #1 concern 30 and 40 year old both agree that fine lines are their biggest worry.  The key to addressing this concern for 30 and 40 year olds is prevention.  Antioxidants have to a major part of a regimen used for prevention.  The the skin cells must be protected from damage done by free radicals.Antioxidants are key to the process.  Our bodies produce some antioxidants but we primarily gain this from external sources.  A diet of  fruits, vegetables, and grains along with topical antioxidants like vitamin C. These sources  have a proven track record of protecting your skin c...

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Shirlie Jones
MACOMB, MI, United States